Monday, February 1, 2010

Nf Trades for 1-Feb-2010

Good Morning Friends I think all of U now get all points from my Option Hedging Strategy.
My open position.
1 lot Nf long @ 4760 on Friday with sl 4785 T-5000
Buy Nf 5100 CE @ 55
Buy Nf 5000 CE @ 67.5
Both Target Nf spot 5000.
Trades for today
Buy NF @ 4825 sl 4800 T-4850,4870
Short Nf @ 4800 sl 4820 T-4775,4760

Short term Stock Recommendation
Buy Dish tv @40 T-65,80
Buy Spice Jet @54 T-80,120
Buy Petronet @74 T-90,120
Buy Uco @60 T-75,90
Hold all these scripts for 3 months


  1. Long @ 4825 Now 4850 move sl to 4830

  2. thanks musti for the "Stock Recommendations"

    I am holding Cranessoft for long term and this stock is at its 52 week low. To me it looks like this will reach 35 in 3 months

  3. Thank you Musti and my doubts here are
    1.Sell Call of about 100-150 points below the current nifty level and Sell Put of about 100-150 points above the current nifty level.
    Then you say..
    Check-out the nearest support/resistance levels and decide the levels to go long or short. The difference between short and long level should not be more than 100 points.

    Do you refer to futures in the second part?
    By support levels do you refer to R1 and S1,in which case they would change every day?
    If they are not what you refer then what do you refer as support and resistance?

    2.We short a lot at 4950 and put SL at 4953,and it goes to 4960 (hitting the SL) and comes back to 4950 again.Should we short it again with same 4953 SL?

    Or if I hold a short at 4950 and the mkt opens on a day at 4990,what do I do?

    See my doubt is when index moves between 4930 and 4970,we would be put in hardships isn't it?

    Thanks and regards,

  4. Dear Musti,

    My message is for your detailed options strategy posted yesterday.I raised these doubts there also but since you have started a new thread today I am posting the same here too.There is no urgency you may reply after mkt hrs also BUT DO REPLY

    Thanks and regards,
