Friday, May 6, 2011

Nf Weekly Trading

Today also nothing to add.

Strong trend in down ward momentum is running,we are just riding the trend.

Holding 2 lot with Tsl 5550 on Closing basis.

I hope a few people enter in option hedging & start miniting money,if need any help plz mail me directly.


  1. In with the option hedge. mailed you but didnt get reply. Hope we r on the right track

  2. @Cooldent I dont recive any mail from U.

    Plz remail me yt ever U want to know

  3. hello sir,
    i have been following ur option hedge stratergy which is quite good... the only problem that i m facing is whipsaws in nifty i m unable to decide about the stoploss that should be kept.. eg: if i keep the stoploss 1-3 points away from nifty position lets say 5550 short and sl=5553 then it get hit several times and also i end up paying alot brokerage... if sl is kept say 20-25 points away 2 or 3 hits may seriously effect our profit 200 points so plz guide how do u manage ur positions and how to tackle whipsaws in nifty and stoplosses effeciently..

