Friday, December 10, 2010

Update On Nf Option Hedging Strategy

Sold 6200 Pe Jan. @ 215-432=-217

Sold 5900 Ce Jan. @ 265-128=137

Sold Nf @ 6050-5780=270

Toatal MTM- -215+137+270=192 Points

Target 200 points in 15-20 days

I will try to cover This strategy Today.


  1. how much capital required for this stategies. can you please elaborate it.

  2. Dear rajnish kumarji,
    It required a capital of nearly 75000/-.
    & U will able to earn nearly 10000/- from it,means a handsome return of 13 to 15 % in 15-20 trading days.
    yts more any body wants without looking market regularly.
